
Tag Library Information 
ID (tag prefix)portlet
Tag Summary 
actionURLCreates a URL that points to the current portlet and triggers an action request with the supplied parameters. If the var attribute is present, the portlet:actionURL tag introduces an EL variable that contains a javax.portlet.ActionURL adequate for postbacks. Otherwise, the URL is written to the response.
namespaceCreates a namespace that will be unique for the current portlet resources. If the var attribute is present, the portlet:namespace tag introduces an EL variable that contains the portlet namespace. Otherwise, the namespace is written to the response.
paramThe portlet:param tag provides the ability to add a request parameter name=value pair when nested inside a portlet:actionURL, a portletRenderURL, or a portlet:resourceURL tag.
propertyThe portlet:property tag provides the ability to add a portlet property name=value pair when nested inside a portlet:actionURL, a portletRenderURL, or a portlet:resourceURL tag. Using portlet:property is equivalent to calling the BaseURL.addProperty() method.
renderURLCreates a URL that points to the current portlet and triggers a render request with the supplied parameters. If the var attribute is present, the portlet:renderURL tag introduces an EL variable that contains a javax.portlet.PortletURL adequate for rendering. Otherwise, the URL is written to the response.
resourceURLCreates a URL that points to the current portlet and triggers a resource request with the supplied parameters. If the var attribute is present, the portlet:resourceURL tag introduces an EL variable that contains a javax.portlet.ResourceURL adequate for obtaining resources. Otherwise, the URL is written to the response.

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