
Tag inputRichText

Component Information 
Component Typecom.liferay.faces.portal.component.inputrichtext.InputRichText
Handler ClassNone
Renderer Typecom.liferay.faces.portal.component.inputrichtext.InputRichTextRenderer
(must evaluate to javax.faces.component.UIComponent)
An EL expression that binds the Java reference to this component in the component tree to a bean property.
(must evaluate to java.util.Map<String,String>)
Optional map of configuration parameters. For example usage, see the Wiki portlet editor_config.jsp source code.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
The locale (language id) of the rich text content.
(must evaluate to javax.faces.convert.Converter)
The class name of the converter instance that is to be used by this component.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
This message or the result of the specified expression, will be used as the text of the converter message instead of any message that comes from the registered converter for this component.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Liferay Portal property key name (typically found in portal.properties or portal-ext.properties). Valid property key values are "ckeditor", "ckeditor_bbcode", and "ckeditor_creole". The default key name is "editor.wysiwyg.default" which has a value of "ckeditor".
(must evaluate to java.util.Map<String,String>)
Optional map of file browser parameters. For example usage, see the Wiki portlet editor_config.jsp source code.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
A unique identifier for this component.
(must evaluate to boolean)
When this flag is true, this component's value must be converted and validated (immediately) during the Apply Request Values phase, instead of (later) during the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
A localized label for this component that is typically only rendered in a FacesMessage when validation fails.
(must evaluate to int)
The maximum number of plain text characters, meaning characters that do not include HTML tags such as <strong>, <em>, and <a href="...">. The default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE.
(must evaluate to int)
The minimum number of plain text characters, meaning characters that do not include HTML tags such as <strong>, <em>, and <a href="...">. The default value is 0.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Javascript to execute after this component loses focus.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Javascript to execute after this component's value has changed, and then it loses focus.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Javascript to execute when this component gets focus.
(must evaluate to boolean)
When this flag is true, this component will be rendered to there response. When false, it will not be rendered to the response. The default value is true.
(must evaluate to boolean)
When this flag is true, and a value has not been specified for this component, then the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase will fail and a FacesMessage will be added to the FacesContext for this component.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
This message or the result of the specified expression, will be used as the text of the validation error message instead of any message that comes from the resulting validation error for this component when required="true" and no value is selected by the user.
(must evaluate to boolean)
When true, the will be resizable by the end-user when dragging on the bottom-right resize handle. The default value is true.
(must evaluate to boolean)
When true, the resources necessary for loading the CKEditor will not be added to the <head>...</head> section of the portal page. The default value is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
HTML passthrough attribute specifying the css style of the element.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
List of CSS class names (separated by spaces) that are to be rendered within the class attribute.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
The name of the set of toolbars that are to be displayed above the rich text input area. Valid values include:
  • bbcode
  • creole
  • editInPlace
  • email
  • liferay
  • liferayArticle
  • phone
  • simple
  • tablet
The default value depends on the value of the editorKey attribute. If editorKey's property evaluates to "ckeditor" then the default value is "liferay". If editorKey's property evaluates to "ckeditor_bbcode" then the default value is "bbcode". If editorKey's property evaluates to "ckeditor_creole" then the default value is "creole".
(signature must match void validate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.component.UIComponent, java.lang.Object))
A method that is executed in the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase of the lifecycle. The method must be public, return void, and take three arguments of FacesContext, UIComponent, and Object.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
This message or the result of the specified expression, will be used as the text of the validation error message instead of any message that comes from the resulting validation error for this component.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object)
The value of this component, which is typically bound via EL to a model bean property.
(signature must match void valueChange(javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent))
A method that is executed when the value of this component changes. The method must be public, return void, and take no arguments or one argument of ValueChangeEvent.

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