
Tag Library Information 
ID (tag prefix)alloy
Tag Summary 
accordionAccordion is a UIData (iterator) component that renders child tabs either statically or dynamically.
audioAudio is a UIComponent that renders a <div> that contains an HTML5 <audio> element. It also supports graceful degradation for older browsers.
autoCompleteAutoComplete is a UIInput component that renders an <input> element and a popup list. Suggestions (list items) can be added by specifying f:selectItem or f:selectItems tags as children. Since it extends HtmlInputText, it supports all the features of h:inputText.
bodyBody is a UIOutput that renders a <body> element for webapps and a <div> for portlets. Since it extends HtmlBody, it supports all the features of h:body.
buttonButton is a UIOutput component that renders a styleable HTML <button> element. The default type is button. Since it extends HtmlOutcomeTargetButton it supports all the features of h:button. The component does not need to be a child of h:form since the outcome attribute is designed to navigate via HTTP GET.
buttonRowButtonRow is a UIPanel component that renders a <div> element for grouping purposes. Since it extends HtmlPanelGroup, it supports all the features of h:panelGroup.
columnColumn is a UIColumn component that renders a div with CSS class name col-#{size}-#{span} (for example: col-md-1 or col-lg-5).
commandButtonCommandButton is a UICommand component that renders a styleable HTML <button> element. The default type is submit. Since it extends HtmlCommandButton it supports all the features of h:commandButton. The component must be a child of h:form in order to trigger the action or actionListener.
commandLinkCommandLink is a UICommand component that renders an HTML <a> element. Since it extends HtmlCommandLink, it supports all the features of h:commandLink. The component must be a child of h:form in order to trigger the action or actionListener.
dataItemDataItem is a UIColumn component component that is designed to be used as a child of DataList and renders its children inside a <li> or <dt> element.
dataListDataList is a UIData (iterator) component that renders <ul> (unordered), <ol> (ordered), or <dl> (description) lists.
dataTableDataTable is a UIData (iterator) component that renders a <table> element representing tabular data and is designed to be used in conjunction with alloy:column child component tags. Since it extends HtmlDataTable, it supports all the features of h:dataTable.
dialogDialog is a UIPanel component that that renders a <div> element that is initially styled with display:none so that it can be popped-up as an overlay by calling the JavaScript API. Since it extends HtmlPanelGroup, it supports all the features of h:panelGroup.
fieldField is a UIPanel component that renders a <div> element and a <label> element in order to wrap a field. Since it extends PanelGroup, it supports all the features of alloy:panelGroup.
fieldsetFieldset is a UIPanel component that renders a <fieldset> element in order to group form elements.
formForm is an HtmlForm component that delegates rendering to its JSF renderer.
headHead is a UIOutput that renders a <head> element for webapps, but not for portlets. In the case of portlets, the presence of alloy:head informs the JSF portlet bridge that JSF resources with target="head" should be included in the <head> element rendered by the portal. Since it extends HtmlHead, it supports all the features of h:head.
iconIcon is a component that renders a span which contains an icon specified by the name attribute.
imageImage is a UIGraphic component that renders an img element. Since it extends HtmlGraphicImage, it supports all the features of h:graphicImage.
inputDateInputDate is a UIInput component that renders an <input type="text"> element and a calendar-popover with selectable dates. The component attempts to automatically convert the submitted value to a Date via a built-in DateTimeConverter.
inputFileInputFile is a UIInput component that renders an <input> element with type=file. Since it extends HtmlInputFile, it supports all the features of h:inputFile and also supports multi-file uploads, instant-Ajax, preview, upload progress, and validation.
inputHiddenInputHidden is a UIInput component that renders an input element with type="hidden". Since it extends HtmlInputHidden, it supports all the features of h:inputHidden.
inputSecretInputSecret is a UIInput component that renders an <input> element with type="password". Since it extends HtmlInputSecret, it supports all the features of h:inputSecret.
inputSourceCodeInputSourceCode is an input component that renders a field for editing source code text.
inputTextInputText is a UIInput component that renders a field for editing single-line text. Since it extends HtmlInputText, it supports all the features of h:inputText.
inputTextareaInputTextarea is a UIInput component that renders a field for editing multi-line text. Since it extends HtmlInputTextarea, it supports all the features of h:inputTextarea.
inputTimeInputTime is a UIInput component that renders an <input type="text"> element and a list-popover with selectable times. The component attempts to automatically convert the submitted value to a Date via a built-in DateTimeConverter.
linkLink is a UIOutcomeTarget component that renders an <a> element (hyperlink). Since it extends HtmlLink, it supports all the features of h:link.
loadConstantsLoadConstants is a TagHandler which can obtain constants from java for use in EL.
menuA menu is a UIColumn component that renders nested/child tags as content within itself.
messageMessage is a UIMessage component that renders a <span> element containing the text of a single FacesMessage for an associated component. Since it extends HtmlMessage, it supports all the features of h:message.
messagesMessages is a UIMessages component that the text of one or more FacesMessage instances inside a <ul> element or <table> element for an associated component, according to the layout attribute. Since it extends HtmlMessages, it supports all the features of h:messages.
outputFormatOutputFormat is a UIOutput component that renders parameterized text. Since it extends HtmlOutputFormat, it supports all the features of h:outputFormat.
outputLabelOutputLabel is a UIOutput component that renders its value attribute within a <label> element. Since it extends HtmlOutputLabel, it supports all the features of h:outputLabel.
outputLinkOutputLink is a UIOutput component that renders an <a> element (hyperlink). Since it extends HtmlOutputLink, it supports all the features of h:outputLink.
outputRemainingCharsOutputRemainingChars is a UIOutput component that displays the number of characters remaining for an associated alloy:inputText or alloy:inputTextarea.
outputScriptOutputScript is a UIOutput component that renders a <script> element with type="text/javascript".
outputStylesheetOutputStylesheet is a UIOutput component that renders a <style> element.
outputTextOutputText is an HtmlOutputText component that delegates rendering to its JSF renderer.
outputTooltipOutputTooltip is a UIOutput component that renders a <div> element which is displayed as an overlay that is initially styled with display:none so that it can be popped-up as an overlay. Since it extends HtmlOutputText, it supports all the features of h:outputText.
paginatorPaginator is a UIComponent that renders pagination controls and can be used in conjunction with alloy:dataTable in order to paginate tabular data.
panelPanel is a UIPanel component that renders a <div> element with three child <div> elements (one for header, body, and footer). Since it extends HtmlPanelGroup, it supports all the features of h:panelGroup.
panelGridPanelGrid is a UIPanel component that renders a <table> element to layout its children in a tabular grid. Since it extends HtmlPanelGrid, it supports all the features of h:panelGrid.
panelGroupPanelGroup is a UIPanel component that renders a <span> or a <div> element for grouping purposes. Since it extends HtmlPanelGroup, it supports all the features of h:panelGroup.
popoverPopover is a UIPanel component that that renders a <div> element that is initially styled with display:none so that it can be popped-up as an overlay by calling the JavaScript API. Since it extends HtmlPanelGroup, it supports all the features of h:panelGroup.

ProgressBar is a UIComponent that displays a progress bar and can operate as a server-side or client-side progress indicator.

This component includes a client-side JavaScript API which can be accessed using the clientKey attribute and the Liferay.component() method:

  • set() - The set() method can be used to set the client-side value of the component e.g. Liferay.component('progressBar').set('value', value);.
  • start() - The start() method starts polling the server for the value of the component.
  • stop() - The stop() method stops the component's polling of the server.

resourceA generic resource tag for use with <alloy:audio> and <alloy:video>.
rowRow is a UIPanel component that renders a <div> and is designed to be used in conjunction with alloy:column child component tags.
selectBooleanCheckboxSelectBooleanCheckbox is a UISelectOne component that renders a check box. Since it extends HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox, it supports all the features of h:selectBooleanCheckbox such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags.
selectManyCheckboxSelectManyCheckbox is a UISelectMany component that renders checkboxes and enables the user to select multiple values. Since it extends HtmlSelectManyCheckbox, it supports all the features of h:selectManyCheckbox such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags. However, since it does not render a <table>, it does not support h:selectManyCheckbox's border and layout attributes.
selectManyListboxSelectManyListbox is a UISelectMany component that renders a select element and enables the user to select multiple values. Since it extends HtmlSelectManyListbox, it supports all the features of h:selectManyListbox such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags.
selectManyMenuSelectManyMenu is a UISelectMany component that renders a select element and enables the user to select multiple values. It has the same basic features of alloy:selectManyListbox except that there is no size attribute because JSF "select*menu" components always render size=1. Since it extends HtmlSelectManyMenu, it supports all the features of h:selectManyMenu such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags.
selectOneListboxSelectOneListbox is a UISelectOne component that renders a `select` element (multi-item list) and enables the user to select one value. Since it extends HtmlSelectOneListbox, it supports all the features of h:selectOneListbox such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags.
selectOneMenuSelectOneMenu is a UISelectOne component that renders a select element (drop down list) and enables the user to select one value. Since it extends HtmlSelectOneMenu, it supports all the features of h:selectOneMenu such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags.
selectOneRadioSelectOneRadio is a UISelectOne component that renders radio buttons. Since it extends HtmlSelectOneRadio, it supports all the features of h:selectOneRadio such as accepting f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags. However, since it does not render a <table>, it does not support h:selectOneRadio's border and layout attributes.
selectStarRatingSelectStarRating is a UISelectOne component that renders a set of stars. The user can click on a star to select a rating and click on the same star a second time to de-select a rating. Since it extends HtmlSelectOneRadio, it accepts f:selectItem or f:selectItems as child tags.
selectThumbRatingSelectThumbRating is a UISelectOne component that renders a pair of thumb icons that a user can select to indicate their favor. The user can click on a thumb to select their favor and click on the same thumb a second time to de-select their favor. Since it extends HtmlSelectOneRadio, it accepts f:selectItem or f:selectItems as children.
tabTab is a panel component that renders nested/child tags as content within itself.
tabViewTabView is an iterator component that renders tabs either statically or dynamically.
videoVideo is a UIComponent that renders a <div> that contains an HTML5 <video> element. It also supports graceful degradation for older browsers.
Function Summary 
java.lang.StringescapeClientId(java.lang.String)Returns an escaped representation of the specified client ID.
java.lang.StringfindClientId(java.lang.String)Returns the client ID associated with the specified expression.

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