captcha | Captcha is a UIInput that renders Liferay Portal's captcha image and a field for editing single-line text. It provides built-in validation in order to make sure that the text value entered by the user matches the value in the captcha image. |
header | The component is used to display header text by specifying the title attribute. It can also display a clickable back icon. |
inputRichText | InputRichText is a UIInput component that renders a field for editing rich text. |
inputSearch | InputSearch is a UIInput component that renders a text field and optional button for submitting search criteria. |
nav | Nav is a UIData (iterator) component that renders a <ul>...</ul> (unordered) list. It is designed to be used in conjunction with portal:navItem child component tags. |
navBar | NavBar is a UIPanel component that renders a <div>...</div> element. It is designed to be used in conjunction with portal:nav and portal:navItem child component tags. |
navBarSearch | NavBarSearch is a UIPanel component that is designed (for CSS purposes) to simply be the parent of an InputSearch component. |
navItem | NavItem is a UIColumn component that renders an <li>...</li> (list item) element. If the href attribute is specified, then an <a>...</a> anchor tag is rendered inside the list item element. |
permissionsURL | PermissionsURL is a UIOutput component that generates a URL pointing to the Liferay Portal Permissions UI. If the var attribute is present, the component introduces a variable into the EL. Otherwise, the URL is written to the response. |
runtime | Runtime is a UIPanel component that embeds the markup of a different portlet within the current portlet. |