JSF Showcase

JavaServer™ Faces (JSF) is the standard component-based MVC framework for Java™ EE. JSF applications can be deployed as webapps or as portlets (via the JSF portlet bridge). The Java Community ProcessSM (JCPSM) has guided the development of the JSF under the following Java Specification Requests (JSRs):

JSF implementations provide "HTML Basic" component tags which are a standard set of JSF UI components that render HTML elements such as <input />
, <span />
, <table />
, etc.
The Facelet component tags are prefixed with the h:
namespace and are compatible with webapp and portlet environments.

JSF implementations provide a Facelet-compatible subset of the Java™ Standard Tag Library (JSTL) tags that are familiar to JavaServer™ Pages (JSP) developers.
The Facelet component tags are prefixed with the c:
namespace and are compatible with webapp and portlet environments.

JSF implementations provide "Faces Core" tags which are a standard set of tags that apply various behaviors and/or actions to JSF UI components.
The Facelet component tags are prefixed with the f:
namespace and are compatible with webapp and portlet environments.

JSF implementations provide "Facelet" tags which are a standard set of tags for use with the Facelet View Declaration Language (VDL).
The Facelet component tags are prefixed with the ui:
namespace and are compatible with webapp and portlet environments.