
The default limit for the com.liferay.faces.util.uploadedFileMaxSize context-param is 104857600 bytes (100MB). But in order to support that limit, it may be necessary to set <Connector maxPostSize=104857600"> in tomcat/conf/server.xml since the default value is only 2097152 bytes (2MB).


InputFile is a UIInput component that renders an <input> element with type="file". Since it extends HtmlInputFile, it supports all the features of h:inputFile and also supports multi-file uploads, instant-Ajax, preview, upload progress, and validation.

General Usage

By default, one file can be uploaded as a non-Ajax (full-page) postback.


Source Code

Liferay Faces Alloy 4.1.1 + Liferay Faces Bridge Implementation 5.0.0 + Showcase Common 4.0.0 + Liferay Faces Util 3.4.1 + Mojarra 2.2.20