
InputRichText is a UIInput component that renders a field for editing rich text.

Immediate Usage

When the immediate attribute is true, the submitted value is converted and validated during APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES phase of the JSF lifecycle, rather than the normal PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase.


<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core"
	xmlns:h="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/html" xmlns:portal="http://liferay.com/faces/portal">

	<!-- Example 1: ValueChangeListener execution when immediate is true -->
		<h:messages id="messages" globalOnly="true" styleClass="feedback" />
		<h:message id="commentsMessage" for="comments" />
		<portal:inputRichText id="comments" immediate="true"
			valueChangeListener="#{inputRichTextBacking.valueChangeListener}" />
		<h:commandButton actionListener="#{inputRichTextBacking.submit}" value="#{i18n['submit']}">
			<f:ajax execute="@form" render="messages :modelValue1" />
	<h:outputText id="modelValue1" value="#{inputRichTextBacking.applicant.comments}" />

	<!-- Example 2: ValueChangeListener execution when immediate is false (the default) -->
		<h:messages id="messages" globalOnly="true" styleClass="feedback" />
		<h:message id="commentsMessage" for="comments" />
		<portal:inputRichText id="comments" value="#{inputRichTextBacking.applicant.comments}"
			valueChangeListener="#{inputRichTextBacking.valueChangeListener}" />
		<h:commandButton actionListener="#{inputRichTextBacking.submit}" value="#{i18n['submit']}">
			<f:ajax execute="@form" render="messages :modelValue2" />
	<h:outputText id="modelValue2" value="#{inputRichTextBacking.applicant.comments}" />

public class InputRichTextBacking {

	private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InputRichTextBacking.class);

	private Applicant applicant;
	private boolean resizable = true;

	public Applicant getApplicant() {
		return applicant;

	public void init() {

		applicant = new Applicant();

		if (ViewParamUtil.getUsage().equals("default-value")) {
				"<p>This is some <strong>bold</strong> text<br />\nand this is some <em>italic</em> text.</p>");

	public boolean isResizable() {
		return resizable;

	public void setResizable(boolean resizable) {
		this.resizable = resizable;

	public void submit() {
		logger.info("You entered comments: " + applicant.getComments());

	public void valueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {

		FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
		PhaseId phaseId = facesContext.getCurrentPhaseId();
		logger.debug("valueChangeListener: phaseId=[{0}]", phaseId.toString());

		String phaseName = phaseId.toString();
		FacesMessage facesMessage = new FacesMessage("The valueChangeListener method was called during the " +
				phaseName + " phase of the JSF lifecycle.");
		facesContext.addMessage(null, facesMessage);
public class Applicant implements Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 4661552363081858711L;

	private String city;
	private String comments;
	private Date dateOfBirth;
	private String emailAddress;
	private String firstName;
	private String lastName;
	private String phoneNumber;
	private String postalCode;
	private Long provinceId;

	public String getCity() {
		return city;

	public String getComments() {
		return comments;

	public Date getDateOfBirth() {
		return dateOfBirth;

	public String getEmailAddress() {
		return emailAddress;

	public String getFirstName() {
		return firstName;

	public String getLastName() {
		return lastName;

	public String getPhoneNumber() {
		return phoneNumber;

	public String getPostalCode() {
		return postalCode;

	public Long getProvinceId() {
		return provinceId;

	public void setCity(String city) {
		this.city = city;

	public void setComments(String comments) {
		this.comments = comments;

	public void setDateOfBirth(Date dateOfBirth) {
		this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;

	public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
		this.emailAddress = emailAddress;

	public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
		this.firstName = firstName;

	public void setLastName(String lastName) {
		this.lastName = lastName;

	public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
		this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

	public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
		this.postalCode = postalCode;

	public void setProvinceId(Long provinceId) {
		this.provinceId = provinceId;
Liferay Faces Bridge Implementation 5.0.0 + Liferay Faces Portal 5.0.0 + Showcase Common 3.1.1 + Liferay Faces Util 3.4.1 + Mojarra 2.2.20